Clash of the Genres's standard game mode is a point based free-for-all. The first player to reach a certain victory point value wins. Each player starts with 7 health and a hand of five cards, spawning on the red Player Start areas on the board. Each player has two actions they take during their turn.
Actions can be playing cards from hand, drawing a card, moving around the board, attacking a target directly (melee), or pushing a target from a space (no damage). The goal is to attack and knockout other Players (and Ally pawns) in order to score a set point value (HIGH SCORE) to win. As soon as a Player has the HIGH SCORE, they win the game!
Players that lose all their health must discard their hand and any cards they have in play, then respawn once it is their next turn. They draw a new hand of five cards and place their pawn on a Player Start or closest free space from the Player Start. A player knockout is worth 2 points.
The Center Space rewards a player with a card draw, 1 health healed, and a victory point at the start of their turn. Very useful, but also risky!
Other game modes: Clash of the Genres supports 2v2 and 1v1 deathmatches as alternate game modes.